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Team Tar Heel Saves Lives: 2014 Blood Drive

Team Tar Heel Saves Lives: 2014 Blood Drive

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014
Team Tar Heel Saves Lives: 2014 Blood Drive

The American Red Cross supplies 40% of the nation’s blood and depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission. Tar Heel Basement Systems realizes the importance of giving back to non-profit organizations such as the ARC, which is why we hosted our first annual blood drive at our facility on Monday, June 30th.

The “Team Carolinas” American Red Cross bus pulled up to our office on Monday morning at 9:00 and the blood drive commenced. Throughout the day dozens of Tar Heel employees entered the blood mobile and donated a pint of their blood to help those in need. It is said that 1 pint of blood can potentially save 3 lives. Thanks to 28 members of Team Tar Heel and 4 generous walk-ins from the community, the THBS blood drive resulted in 32 productive units of blood collected for the American Red Cross- potentially saving 96 lives! Many of our employees also volunteered their time to assist the ARC staff throughout the drive.

This event was successful in more ways than one. In addition to saving lives, the THBS blood drive enabled personal growth amongst our employees and as a company. As a team, Tar Heel Basement Systems was able to give back to our community and make a difference in the world. Thank you to everyone that volunteered or donated. You have made our first ever blood drive a huge success and paved way for future drives at Tar Heel Basement Systems! Check out all of the blood drive photos here.

Owner, Pete Burgess gives blood
team tar heel gives blood
Blood drive 2014 with team tar heel
employees pay it forward
all smiles while giving back to those in need!
team tar heel loves to give blood for a good cause

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Fayetteville Location

3400 Walsh Pky, Suite 220
Fayetteville, NC 28311

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611 Summit Ave, Suite 5
Greensboro, NC 27405

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208 Millbrook Rd. Suite C
Raleigh, NC 27609

Raleigh / Durham / Chapel Hill Location

8005 Knightdale Blvd
Knightdale, NC 27545

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2155 Enterprise Dr. NE
Leland, NC 28451

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2910 Griffith Rd
Winston-Salem, NC 27103